Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Program December

"Night of the Pirates"

Party in the Rigaer 105

Saturday the 12th of December from 20:00H

Dress like a Pirate
VoKü @ 20:00H

Live Music "Shipwreck Rats" @ 21:00H


Everyone who dresses like a pirate gets a free shot!

Friday the 11th December @ 20:00H :
Exhibition Opening - Leanne Hopper "Zero Fields"

Photography workshop with Leanne Hopper

Monday the 14th December/ Tuesday the 15th of December 13:00h-16:00h

Analogue/digital darkroom techniques

(Please confirm your interest and what day you wish to attend by emailing Rigaer105@gmail.com subject:Leanne Hopper Photography workshop. By Saturday the 12th)

Christmas craft day

Wednesday the 16th of December from 13:00H - 19:00H:

Bake gingerbread christmas men

Make your own christmas presents - arts and craft
make your own christmas decorations
(There will be some material to be used against a small donation but as we don't have much please bring what you need as well)
Clothes swap - bring your clothes that you don't want anymore and swap.

Daily Program :

Every day @ 20:00H : VoKü

Every Friday @ 19:00H : German course

Every Sunday @ 20:00H : Film night

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Exhibition Opening

Friday the 20th of November
@ 20:00 H.

"Short Stories"

Photographs in Black and White by Pascal Dumont

Followed by Photo-darkroom workshops from 18:00H - 23:00H on the 23th ,24th, 30th of November & 1st of December
With Pascal Dumont

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Program November

Every day @ 20:00 H.
- VoKü

Every Wednesday @ 18:00 H. - Skill Sharing Workshops

Every Thursday from 19:00 H. - Open Stage, all kinds of Performers Welcome

Every Friday @ 19:00 H. - German Course

Every Saturday @ 20:00 H. - Film Night

Every Sunday @ 19:00 H. - Story Telling Night

Thursday the 5th of November @ 20:00 H. -
Exhibition Opening:
"With Drawing From Black"
At "With Drawing from Black" Stephanie Gerner (Berlin), Stephan Halter (Berlin) and Simon Mack (Liverpool) question the increasing public influence on personal life.

Coming up December 12th - PIRATE PARTY in Rigaer105

More info will follow

Photoworkshops and public photo-darkroom: ask for Kat in the Rigaer 105 for details

Gallery Space available for artists!

We're looking for artists to use our free gallery space in the teahouse. If you want to show your work, please ask for Lauren in the Rigaer105

All types of work is welcome, paintings, photography, scultpure or whatever you like.

Here's a plan of the gallery space;

and a lovely 3d picture...So if you want to put your work in the space, just send an email telling us a bit about you and your work and we can organise it :)

About the gallery:
The gallery is open to artists of all kinds. Artists can use the space, completely free of charge for about 2 weeks. All artwork is welcome, as long as the room is returned to it's original state. We simply provide the space and don't promote exhibitions, so artists should spread the word about their vernissage. We cook a cheap (but tasty) meal every night so your guests can eat something on the night. Drinks are cheap, the people are nice.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friday the 23rd - 30th October:
Paintings and Drawings
by Lauren Moffatt

Halloween Party

Saturday the 31st Oktober

Halloween VoKü um 20:00 Uhr

Bands und Dj´s ab 21:00 Uhr

Überraschungspreis für die beste Verkleidung

Jeder der sich "Spooky" verkleidet kriegt einen Shot umsonst

Halloween Spiele

Weekly Program October

Every day from 20:00 H. :

Every Wednesday @ 18:00 H. : Skill Sharing

Every Thursday @ 19:00 H. : German course

Every Thursday from 19:00 H. : Open Stage - all kinds of performers welcome

Every Saturday from 20:00 H. : Film Night

Every Sunday at 20:00 H. : Roadjunkytravel: Travel Stories
Roadjunky.com invites you to share your tales from the road with fellow travellers.
Stories should last between 2-5 minutes)

Thursday the 8th of October at 20h

Exhibition Opening:
"The Neat Filling of a Space With Things"

Collage and Writing by Kristen Müller

Sunday the 4th of October 20:00 - 23:00h

Travel Stories

Roadjunky.com invites you to share your tales from the road with fellow travellers.
Stories Should last between 2-5 minutes and the best stories will be broad casted on Roadjunky´s YouTube channel.

The best Story teller wins a bottle of Champagne

Photo-workshops and Public Photo-darkroom - email 105photodarkroom@gmail.com or ask for Kat in the Rigaer105

Gallery Space available for artists!

We're looking for artists to use our free gallery space in the teahouse. If you want to show your work, please send Cian an email, at; teahousegallery (at) gmail (dot) com.

All types of work is welcome, paintings, photography, scultpure or whatever you like.

Here's a plan of the gallery space;

and a lovely 3d picture...So if you want to put your work in the space, just send an email telling us a bit about you and your work and we can organise it :)

About the gallery:
The gallery is open to artists of all kinds. Artists can use the space, completely free of charge for about 2 weeks. All artwork is welcome, as long as the room is returned to it's original state. We simply provide the space and don't promote exhibitions, so artists should spread the word about their vernissage. We cook a cheap (but tasty) meal every night so your guests can eat something on the night. Drinks are cheap, the people are nice. Any questions just send an email to teahousegallery (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Program September

Every day at 20H: VoKü

Every Wednesday at 19H: Russian Animation

Every Thursday at 19H: German course

Every Thursday from 19H: Open Stage night - performers of all kinds welcome

Every Sunday at 21H: Film Night

Public Photo-darkroom and Photo-workshops: Contact: 105photodarkroom@gmail.com or ask in the Rigaer 105.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gallery Space available for artists!

We're looking for artists to use our free gallery space in the teahouse. If you want to show your work, please send Cian an email, at; teahousegallery (at) gmail (dot) com.

All types of work is welcome, paintings, photography, scultpure or whatever you like.

Here's a plan of the gallery space;

and a lovely 3d picture...So if you want to put your work in the space, just send an email telling us a bit about you and your work and we can organise it :)

About the gallery:
The gallery is open to artists of all kinds. Artists can use the space, completely free of charge for about 2 weeks. All artwork is welcome, as long as the room is returned to it's original state. We simply provide the space and don't promote exhibitions, so artists should spread the word about their vernissage. We cook a cheap (but tasty) meal every night so your guests can eat something on the night. Drinks are cheap, the people are nice. Any questions just send an email to teahousegallery (at) gmail (dot) com.

About the Tea House:
Rigaer 105 Teahouse is a non-profit verein where we have projects, workshops, VoKü, exhibitions etc. We welcome people to use the space for creative projects.

Email teahousegallery (at) gmail (dot) com
Address is Rigaerstrasse 105, Friedrichshain (click here for a map)
Telephone: 03042017390

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Program Juni
Jeden Tag ab 20:oo Uhr
Russischen Lieder:
Montag um 19:00 Uhr
Deutsch Kurs:
Dienstag & Donnerstag um 19:00 Uhr
Siebdruck Werkstatt:
Donnerstag um 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Simsala - Vegan Cafe mit Veganes Kuchen und Tee
Sonntag um 14:00 bis 19:00 Uhr
Film Nacht:
Sonntag um 21:00 Uhr
Handycraft Werkstatt:
Dienstag 9. & 23. & 30. um 18:00 Uhr
Clothes-Swapping Party -
Bring your old clothes and Swop with someone else!
Sonntag 7. um 19:oo Uhr
Jeden Freitag - um 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Wenn du interessieret bist, shreib mir bitte eine Email (105photodarkroom@gmail.com) oder du gehst direkt zur Rigaer105 und fragst nach Kat :)
Rigaer 105 ist ein nichtkommerzieller und auf unbezahlter Basis betriebener Projektraum. Wir sind immer offen für neue Leute die daran interessiert sind, bei uns mitzumachen. Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr Workshops anbietet, Projekte in den Räumlichkeiten organisiert, bei bereits bestehenden Projekten einsteigt, Thekenschichten übernehmt oder beim Kochen helft.
Wenn ihr also interessiert seid, fragt an der Bar oder schreibt ne Mail an rigaer105@gmail.com.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Jeden tag ab 20:00 Uhr:

Jeden Dienstag & Donnerstag um 19:00 Uhr:
Deutche Sprachkurs

Jeden Donnerstag ab 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Siebdruck Werkstadt

Jeden Sonntag ab 14:00 bis 19:00 Uhr:
Vegan Café mit vegane kuchen

Samstag 23. Mai:
Krautkunde Lernkreis

Infos über diverse Erkrankungen und welche Pflanzen
diese lindern oder heilen.

Bitte Kräuter mitbringen :)

Public Photo Darkroom & Photo Workshops - email 105photodarkroom@gmail.com

Rigaer 105 ist ein nichtkommerzieller und auf unbezahlter Basis betriebener Projektraum. Wir sind immer offen für neue Leute die daran interessiert sind, bei uns mitzumachen. Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr Workshops anbietet, Projekte in den Räumlichkeiten organisiert, bei bereits bestehenden Projekten einsteigt, Thekenschichten übernehmt oder beim Kochen helft.

Wenn ihr also interessiert seid, fragt an der Bar oder schreibt ne Mail an rigaer105@gmail.com.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Bloody Mondays:

Wunderkerze VoKü ab 20 Uhr (Vegan/ohne Gluten)

Hörspiel Kino ab 21:00 Uhr

Deep-Fried Tuesdays:

Deutsch Sprachkurs @ 19:00 Uhr

Winesday Wednesdays:

Winesday - cheap wine :)

Spiel Nacht ab 18:00 Uhr (Schachspiel, Backgammon...)

Granny Thursdays:

Deutsch Sprachkurs @ 19:00 Uhr

Rabbit Fridays:

Überraschung !!!

Sober Saturdays:

Skulpturen Workshop ab 17:30 bis 19:00

Procrastination Sunday:

Film Nacht ab 21:00 (program am tresen)

10 APRIL: 17 Uhr : Gesprächsrunde über Empfängnisverhütung und Feminismus von und mit Melanie Thepault

Krauter Workshop @ 12. 11. & 12. April in Rigaer 105

Soli Party For Rigaer 105

Aprils fool fancy dress party

4. April
@21 Uhr bis ..... in:


Rigaer Strasse 78
U-bahn Sameriter Str.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Program März

Bloody Monday

Wunderkerze VoKü ab 19:00 Uhr
Hörspiel @ 21:oo Uhr

Deep-Fried Tuesday

Deutsch Sprachkurs @ 18:00 Uhr

Blank Wednesday

Spiel Nacht ab 18:00 Uhr (Schachspiel, Backgammon...)

Granny Thursday

Deutsch Sprachkurs @ 18:00 Uhr

Strickrunde am Tag bis 21:00 Uhr

Rabbit Friday


Sober Saturday

Skulpturen Workshop ab 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr

Procrastination Sunday

Film Nacht ab 21:00 Uhr (program am tresen

14. - 17. März - St. Paddy´s irisches langes Wochkenende

Son 15. @ 12:00 Uhr: irischer Film
Sam 14. @ 21:00 Uhr: Paddy´s Party mit Live Musik: Shipwreck Rats
Din 17. St. Paddy´s day: irische VoKü